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    DO317 Managing Virtual Machines with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization with exam



    Create and manage virtual machines on OpenShift using the Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization operator.

    Managing Virtual Machines with OpenShift Virtualization with exam teaches the essential skills required to create and manage virtual machines (VM) on OpenShift using the Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization operator. This course does not require previous knowledge of containers and Kubernetes. The Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Virtualization (EX316) is included in this offering.

    This course provides:

    • Skills required to create, access, and manage VMs on OpenShift clusters
    • Skills required to control usage and access of cpu, memory, storage, and networking resources from VMs using the same Kubernetes features that would also control usage and access to these resources for containers
    • Sample architectures to manage High Availability (HA) of VMs using standard Kubernetes features and extensions from OpenShift Virtualization
    • Strategies to connect VMs on OpenShift to data center services outside of their OpenShift cluster, such as storage and databases
    • Strategies to migrate VMs from compatible hypervisors to OpenShift Virtualization by using the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization operator

    Course Content Summary
    • Create VMs from installation media and disk images
    • Access text and graphical consoles of a VM
    • Connect to VMs using Kubernetes networking (services, ingress, and routes)
    • Provision storage to VMs using Kubernetes storage (PVC, PV, and storage classes)
    • Start, pause, and stop VMs
    • Clone and snapshot VMs
    • Create and seal golden VM images
    • Connect VMs to external and extra networks (outside of the Kubernetes pod and service networks)
    • Provision load balancer services for VMs and then use the services to enable SSH access to VMs
    • Connect VMs to host storage and external storage
    • Create VMs from predefined and custom VM Templates and InstanceTypes
    • Create VMs from VM Templates
    • Migrate VMs from compatible hypervisors
    • Back up and restore VMs by using OADP and command-line tools


    Impact on the Organization

    OpenShift Virtualization allows organizations to realize operational savings by managing virtualized workloads and containerized workloads together using the same orchestration and clustering infrastructure provided by Red Hat OpenShift.
    Deploying Virtual Machines (VMs) on OpenShift also eases integration of traditional server-based applications with more modern cloud-native applications and their supporting practices such as CI/CD, DevOps, and SRE to take advantage of quicker time-to-market and other benefits from these practices, without having to first redesign virtualized workloads as container-native workloads.


    Impact on the Individual

    IT professionals will learn to deploy and manage virtualized workloads on OpenShift

    Grupa docelowa

    • Virtual Machine Administrators who want to virtualize workloads from traditional Hypervisors to OpenShift Virtualization
    • Platform Engineers, Cloud Administrators, and System Administrators who want to support virtualized workloads, either independently from or in the same OpenShift cluster as containerized workloads



    Course Outline

    1. Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization
      Distinguish Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization from container technologies and from traditional virtual machine technologies. Describe the features and use cases of OpenShift Virtualization. Deploy the OpenShift Virtualization operator in an existing Red Hat OpenShift environment.
    2. Running and Accessing Virtual Machines
      Create, manage, inspect, and monitor virtual machines in Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization.
    3. Configuring Kubernetes Networking for Virtual Machines
      Configure standard Kubernetes network objects and external access for VMs and virtual machine-backed applications.
    4. Connecting Virtual Machines to External Networks
      Configure node networking to connect virtual machines and nodes to networks outside of the cluster by using Multus CNI plug-ins and the NMState operator.
    5. Configuring Storage for Virtual Machines
      Manage storage and disks for virtual machines in Red Hat OpenShift by using Kubernetes.
    6. Create and Restore Backups of Virtual Machines
      Create virtual machine snapshots and back up virtual machine components individually and by using the OpenShift APIs for Data Protection (OADP) operator.
    7. Replicating Virtual Machines by Using Instance Types, Templates, and Clones
      Create and manage clones, templates, and instance types to provision virtual machines.
    8. Advanced Virtual Machine Management
      Import, control the placement of, monitor the health of, and live migrate virtual machines.
    9. Configuring Kubernetes High Availability for Virtual Machines
      Implement high availability virtual machines that are resilient to failures, planned maintenance, and cluster upgrades by configuring Kubernetes resources.



    • Classroom: 5 days
    • Virtual training: 5 days + Individual EXAM
    • Self-paced: 90 days access



    Recommended next exam or course:


    Technology considerations

    • All deliveries require access to ROLE for the remote classroom environment. There is no local ILT version of the DO316 classroom.

    For more details, please contact us at

    Note: The course outline is subject to change as technology advances and the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, please contact us at
    Cena netto:11932 PLN(2841 EUR)Cena brutto:14676.36 PLNOpis

    Kurs przyjęty do powyższej kalkulacji 1 EUR = 4.2001 PLN – tabela nr. 034/C/NBP/2025, z dnia 2025-02-18. Obowiązująca od: 2025-03-31. Cena w PLN jest orientacyjna (wyliczana z EUR/USD wg kursu sprzedaży NBP z dnia wystawienia faktury). Przyjmujemy wpłaty w PLN lub EURO.


    Oferujemy szkolenia wirtualne, self-paced oraz stacjonarne (w Warszawie i w lokalizacjach klienta).
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