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    EX440K – Red Hat Certified Specialist in Messaging Administration exam



    The Red Hat® Certificate of Expertise in Messaging Administration exam (EX440) tests candidates' abilities to create and maintain enterprise messaging systems using Red Hat® JBoss® AMQ. An enterprise administrator who earns the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Messaging Administration has demonstrated the skills, knowledge, and abilities to create and maintain enterprise messaging systems using Red Hat JBoss AMQ. This exam is based on Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7.


    By passing this exam, you earn a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise that also counts towards earning a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA).

    Grupa docelowa

    • Systems administrators responsible for implementing enterprise messaging systems using Red Hat JBoss AMQ
    • Systems architects designing and managing applications that use enterprise messaging systems based on Red Hat JBoss AMQ


    There are no prerequisites for this course.


    Study points for the exam:

    • Create a JBoss AMQ simple broker instance
    • Configure addresses, queues, and topics
    • Configure point-to-point and publisher-subscriber messaging
    • Understand JMS messaging naming convention
    • Configure expiring message, moving to Dead Letter queue
    • Configure fine-grained address settings
    • Apply AMQ broker wildcard syntax
    • Configure paging
    • Understand and tune performances
    • Enable/disable access to guest and configure guest access
    • Configure authorization and authentication
    • Secure network connection, acceptors, and connectors
    • Configure a cluster of brokers
    • Configure high availability and failover

    As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention.


    Duration: 2.5 hours


    Red Hat encourages all candidates for Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Messaging Administration (EX440) to consider taking AD440 Red Hat AMQ Administration courses to help prepare. Attendance in this class is not required, so one can choose to take just the exam.

    While attending Red Hat classes can be an important part of one’s preparation to take exams, attending classes does not guarantee success on the exam. Previous experience, practice, and native aptitude are also important determinants of success.

    Exam format:

    This exam is a performance-based evaluation of the candidate’s AMQ management skills and knowledge. Candidates perform tasks associated with the configuration and management of enterprise messaging systems using Red Hat JBoss AMQ. Performance-based testing means that candidates must perform tasks similar to what they perform on the job.

    This is a closed exam where candidates do not have access to the internet and candidates are not permitted to bring any papers, books, or electronic aids to the exam. Candidates are, however, provided with a local copy of the official Red Hat JBoss AMQ documentation. Candidates should familiarize themselves with this documentation when preparing for the exam.

    Scores and reporting:

    Official scores for exams come exclusively from Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat does not authorize examiners or training partners to report results to candidates directly. Scores on the exam are usually reported within 3 U.S. business days.

    Exam results are reported as section scores. Red Hat does not report performance on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request.

    For more details, please contact us at

    Note: The course outline is subject to change as technology advances and the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, please contact us at
    Cena netto:1890 PLN(450 EUR)Cena brutto:2324.7 PLNOpis

    Kurs przyjęty do powyższej kalkulacji 1 EUR = 4.2001 PLN – tabela nr. 034/C/NBP/2025, z dnia 2025-02-18. Obowiązująca od: 2025-03-29. Cena w PLN jest orientacyjna (wyliczana z EUR/USD wg kursu sprzedaży NBP z dnia wystawienia faktury). Przyjmujemy wpłaty w PLN lub EURO.


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