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    AD441 Red Hat AMQ Administration with Exam



    Learn to configure, manage, and monitor broker instances Red Hat® AMQ Administration (AD440) helps system administrators, architects, and developers acquire the skills they need to administer the message broker, Red Hat JBoss AMQ. Through numerous hands-on exercises, the student will create, configure, manage, and monitor broker instances including hardened, clustered brokers that provide high availability and failover. This course is based on Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7.0. and includes the EX440 Red Hat Certified Specialist in Messaging Administration exam. Red Hat JBoss AMQ, part of the Red Hat application integration suite, provides application administrators, software architects, and developers the ability to integrate disparate applications in a decoupled manner using enterprise messaging paradigms. Providing a highly performant and robust message broker, router, and client libraries for numerous languages, Red Hat JBoss AMQ is the solution for asynchronous and synchronous messaging. Red Hat AMQ Administration (AD440) helps system administrators, architects, and developers acquire the skills they need to administer Red Hat JBoss AMQ. Through numerous hands-on exercises, the student will create, configure, manage, and monitor broker instances including hardened, clustered brokers that provide high availability and failover.

    Course content summary

    • Install a JBoss AMQ 7 broker
    • Configure multicast and anycast addresses
    • Secure the AMQ broker for authentication and authorization
    • Cluster AMQ brokers
    • Monitor JBoss AMQ brokers


    This course is intended to develop the skills needed for basic administration and configuration of Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7.0. These skills are suitable for organizations that are seeking to both decrease costs by improving application development and integration time as well as improve application reliability.

    As a result of attending this course, students should be able to configure, secure, and manage a Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7.0 broker to create and integrate message-driven applications.

    Grupa docelowa

    This course is intended for application administrators, developers, IT leaders, and application architects.


    • General understanding of enterprise messaging concepts and message-oriented middleware
    • Ability to read and edit XML files


    1. Course introduction
      • Introduce and review the course.
    2. Install the broker
      • Install JBoss AMQ, create a broker instance, and verify connectivity to the instance.
    3. Configuration
      • Configure message addresses and queues.
    4. Secure access to the broker
      • Configure authentication, authorization, and encryption on the broker.
    5. Configure broker persistence
      • Configure zero, file-based, and database-backed persistence.
    6. Manage broker resource consumption
      • Configure the broker to limit memory and other resource consumption.
    7. Implement broker clustering, high availability, and failover
      • Create a scalable and highly available cluster of brokers.
    8. Monitor and manage the broker
      • Monitor and manage broker resources using logging and the web console.
    9. Route messages to brokers
      • Install JBoss AMQ interconnect and configure routes to brokers.
    10. Comprehensive review of Red Hat AMQ administration
      • Configure Red Hat JBoss AMQ brokers and verify proper operation.
    11. EX440 Red Hat Certified Specialist in Messaging Administration exam or EX440V7K – Red Hat Certified Specialist in Messaging Administration exam


    Duration: 3 days

    Recommended next exam or course


    For more details, please contact us at

    Note: The course outline is subject to change as technology advances and the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, please contact us at
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