Formularz kontaktowy



    Osoba zgłaszająca

    SUSE Course KUB201v1.26 – Kubernetes Administration



    This course is designed for system administrators, DevOps, system engineers and others who need an introduction to containers and Kubernetes. The course begins with an introduction to containers and container orchestration.
    Students will then learn about and explore Kubernetes, including launching applications, configuring networking, storage and security, and using Helm to deploy applications.
    The course includes comprehensive presentation content to introduce new concepts and processes and extensive hands-on experience.
    Downloadable course description document


    Attendees will be taught the following concepts and skills:

    • Containers and Orchestration Concepts
    • An Introduction to Kubernetes
    • The Basics of Kubernetes
    • Kubernetes Cluster Administration
    • Networking, Storage and Security for Kubernetes
    • Helm and Helm Charts

    Grupa docelowa

    This course is designed for system administrators and others who want to administer Kubernetes.


    Attendees should have familiarity with the Command Line, Linux System Administration skills and attention to details. SUSE Certified Administrator (SCA) in Enterprise Linux or SUSE Certified Linux Engineer (SCE) in Enterprise Linux certification or level of experience recommended.


    Course Outline

    • Section 1: Course Introduction
    • Section 2: Introduction to Containers and Container Orchestration
      • Understand Container Concepts
      • Understand a Microservice Architecture
      • Understand Kubernetes Concepts
      • Understand SUSE Rancher Kubernetes Offerings
    • Section 3: Basic Kubernetes Administration
      • Understand Basic Kubernetes Commands
      • Work with Namespaces
      • Understand Kubernetes Manifests
      • Work with Labels and Selectors
    • Section 4: Kubernetes Workload Administration
      • Understand Kustomize Concepts
      • Use Kustomize to Deploy Applications
    • Section 5:  Application Management in Kubernetes with Helm
      • Understand Basic Helm Concepts
      • Manage Applications with Helm
    • Section 6: Ingress Networking with an Ingress Controller in Kubernetes
      • Understand Ingress Networking for Applications
      • Work with the Nginx Ingress Controller
    • Section 7: Storage in Kubernetes
      • Understand Kubernetes Storage Concepts
      • Work with Persistent Storage in Storage Classes
    • Section 8: Resource Usage Control in Kubernetes
      • Understand Resource Usage Control in Kubernetes
      • Work with LimitRanges
      • Work with Resource Quotas
    • Section 9: Role Based Access Controls In Kubernetes
      • Understand Role Based Access Controls
      • Authenticate to a Kubernetes Cluster
      • Configure RBAC in Kubernetes


    Delivery Method: Instructor Led Training, Virtual training

    Course Duration: 2 days

    Course Level: Intermediate

    For more details, please contact us at

    Note: The course outline is subject to change as technology advances and the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, please contact us at
    Cena netto:4939 PLN(1150 EUR)Cena brutto:6074.97 PLNOpis

    Kurs przyjęty do powyższej kalkulacji 1 EUR = 4.2947 PLN – tabela nr. 247/C/NBP/2024, z dnia 2024-12-19. Obowiązująca od: 2025-02-15. Cena w PLN jest orientacyjna (wyliczana z EUR/USD wg kursu sprzedaży NBP z dnia wystawienia faktury). Przyjmujemy wpłaty w PLN lub EURO.


    Oferujemy szkolenia wirtualne, self-paced oraz stacjonarne (w Warszawie i w lokalizacjach klienta).
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