Red Hat Messaging Deployment (RHD355) covers every aspect of the Red Hat Messaging product. The course starts with a review of Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), the Asynchronous Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), and proceeds to discuss the detailed architecture of Red Hat Messaging: brokers, exchanges, and queues. Advanced topics will include clustering, federation, and securing the broker. The student will have ample opportunity to put the concepts to practice through hands-on labs working with the broker using the C++, Python, and Java JMS APIs. Through hands-on labs, students will learn how to install, configure, and interact with the Red Hat Messaging broker in standalone, clustered, and federated deployments. A particular emphasis is placed on using the client API to send and receive messages.
Install, configure, and interact with the Red Hat Messaging broker
Szkolenie trwa: 3 dni.
Oferujemy szkolenia w naszych ośrodkach w Warszawie, Wrocławiu i Krakowie, jak i w lokalizacjach wskazanych przez klienta. W celu ustalenia szczegółów prosimy o kontakt na
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