Data: 02/02/2021
Place: Virtual live event

(link do nagrania na You Tube)




  1. Is it possible to migrate my current Jenkins OSS environment to CloudBees CI?
  2. What are the differences between Client/Managed/Team Controllers?
    Client Controller – A component of CloudBees CI on traditional platforms that is configured to use CloudBees’ proprietary tools and enterprise features to coordinate builds for projects.
    Team Controller – A component of CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms that uses CloudBees’ tools and enterprise features to coordinate builds. A team controller is similar to a managed controller, but lacks the full role-based access control and other configuration capabilities of a managed controller.
    Managed Controller – A component of CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms that uses CloudBees’ tools and enterprise features to coordinate builds.
  3. Does CloudBees CI support Red Hat OpenShift?
  4. What’s the difference between an Agent and Shared agents?
    Shared Agents
    Operations Center enables the sharing of agent executors across connected masters in the Operations Center cluster.
    A connected master is a Client Master, a Managed Master, or a Team Master that is connected to Operations Center.
    Shared agents can be used in both CloudBees CI on traditional platforms and CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms.
    CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms can use Kubernetes agents. However, CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms users might want to use shared agents or shared cloud configuration instead if, for example:
    – You have Windows agents, but your cluster cannot use Windows nodes.
    – Your computers run software with limited licensing.
    Agents are computers that handle the tasks of running builds in a CloudBees CI cluster, and within the context of a CloudBees CI cluster, they are shared resources for connected masters. Agent will be attached to a master but can’t be shared or used by other masters.
  5. Is it possible to automate the Controllers deployement? Assume I want to have everything described in code instead of manually clicking through the OC GUI
    Yes, through Configurations as Code see
  6. What is a Controller? Is it something like an instance of Jenkins dedicated for a single application?
    Controller – A component of CloudBees CI that uses CloudBees’ tools and enterprise features to coordinate builds. Yes, it’s a instance of Jenkins which can be dedicated to a team or application or microservice etc.
  7. Are controllers deployed on the VMs/Physical PCs or it’s container based? Like Kubernetes etc. what are the requirements? Or it does not matter what underlying tech we use?
    Controllers can be VMs/Physical Machines/Docker Containers/Kubernetes. The CloudBees CI architecture is very flexible so hybrid setup is also possible.
  8. What is the reason for such a high popularity of Jenkins? Is it mainly because of open source, as it is inferior to other solutions in comparison of capabilities?
    Flexibility, Plugin Eco system, widely used, easy to learn, community-led
  9. How do you see the development and competitiveness of Jenkins compared to other ci/cd tools, ex. gitlab?
  10. What if your team need specific plugin version, is it possible to setup update only for specified versions of plugins and dependensies for specified Masters/ controllers?
    Yes, through the use of the Plugin Catalog capability in CloudBees CI. Together with the update center you are fully in control which plugin is available and which plugin version can be installed. See documentation at
  11. Is the Agent in Jenkins configured with a set of its capabilities as in the Bamboo agent, or rather as a platform for running docker images within which individual pipeline jobs are executed, such as runners in gitlab?
    I would say both depending or on which environment you are using. In case of Kubernetes you will be using docker images defined in your pipeline depending on your requirements.
  12. Is the artifact from jobA automatically shared with JobB?
    Yes, best practices would be to use a repository like Artifactory or Nexus another way is to use a shared agent.
  13. Does CloudBees CI can be set up only on premise?
    No, CloudBees CI can be setup on VMs/Physical Machines/Docker Containers/Kubernetes. The CloudBees CI architecture is very flexible so hybrid setup is also possible.
  14. Are you going to continue with Webminars related to Jenkins? 🙂
  15. Is the number of agents associated with one jenkins instance limited?
  16. How to integrate GitLab with Jenkins?
    GitLab SCM can be easiliy integrated with plugins in CloudBees CI. To call CloudBees CI from GitLab you could use either the REST API, Groovy script or the Jenkins command line interface
  17. Is there any locking mechanism for environments ? When multiple pipelines want to deploy to one environment. To assure that one job has to end before next one starts. Can Deploy Env be exclusively reserved ?
    The cross team collaboration capability might be a great option to chain dependent pipelines with each other to prevent environments to be used by multiple jobs at the same time. See  for more information



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We współpracy z naszym Partnerem biznesowym – Firmą CloudBees przygotowaliśmy Webinar o rozwiązaniu idealnym dla środowisk DevOps, zwłaszcza dla wytwórców oprogramowania o rozbudowanych strukturach i dużej skali działania, czyli o Jenkinsie w wymiarze Enterprise.


O czym będzie webinar? 

O Jenkinsie – używany przez ponad 1,5 miliona programistów na świecie – jest najpopularniejszym narzędziem automatyzacji procesu dostarczania oprogramowania CI/CD. Pierwotnie Jenkins został stworzony dla pojedynczego zespołu developerów lub zespołu pracującego w jednym środowisku. Obecnie używany jest już przez wiele zespołów w dużej skali i w coraz bardziej skomplikowanych projektach wykorzystujących różnorodne technologie i aplikacje. Często powoduje to wzrost liczby instancji Jenkinsa, albo powstanie jednego, niewydajnego, niestabilnego serwera Jenkins – tzw. efekt „Jenkinstein”.

O CloudBees CI – Firma CloudBees, główny kontrybutor otwartej wersji Jenkinsa, stworzyła także jego wersję enterprise, czyli CloudBees CI. Rozwiązanie to pomaga uzyskać niezawodność, bezpieczeństwo, stabilność wydajności oraz umożliwia zarządzanie potokami CI/CD w dużej skali. Dzięki temu rozwiązaniu programiści mogą skupić się na tworzeniu oprogramowania, kadra zarządzająca zaś – dzięki narzędziom do zarządzania ryzykiem i badania wytwarzanego oprogramowania pod względem zgodności z regulacjami – zyskuje poczucie bezpieczeństwa.
Więcej o rozwiązaniach CloudBees w infografice.

Jeżeli i Ty chcesz zwiększyć wydajność swoich zespołów deweloperskich, a także polepszyć stabilność i zgodność dostarczanych aplikacji, weź udział w nadchodzącym webinarze.


Temat: How to manage and use Jenkins at scale (EN), czyli Jak używać i zarządzać Jenkinsem w dużej skali?


Termin: 2 lutego 2021

Godz.: 11:00 [Webinar potrwa około 50 minut]




Rejestracja – konieczna w celu uzyskania linku do spotkania/webinaru





  • Wprowadzenie
  • Sławny Jenkins
  • CloudBees i nasz wkład w wersję Jenkins Open Source
  • Zarządzanie Jenkinsem w dużej skali
  • Więcej funkcji Enterprise dla Jenkinsa
  • Q&A


Prowadzący – Cojan van Ballegooijen, Senior Solutions Architect w CloudBees

1550573036565.jpeg    Cojan van Ballegooijen

Cojan jest ekspertem w sprawach związanych z Jenkinsem, CI/CD i DevOps. Na co dzień ściśle współpracuje z zespołami sprzedaży, wsparcia technicznego i produktu w celu dostarczenia najlepszych rozwiązań dla klientów CloudBees w Europie.


Współprowadzący: Bartosz Niwiński – CloudBees oraz Filip Gontarz – OSEC


Webinar prowadzony będzie w języku angielskim!

Overview of event (ENG):

Jenkins is the most famous automation engine and well known for implementing CI and CD use cases. The original idea of Jenkins was to serve for one team or one environment. However over time Jenkins is typically used in many areas, for many teams and applications. This results either in Jenkins sprawl or in a slow, unstable Jenkins master („Jenkinstein”).

CloudBees, who is the main contributor of Jenkins, provides an enterprise ready Jenkins solution which is more stable, reliable and secure but also delivers enterprise pipelines capabilities. In this webinar we will highlight the positive impact of upgrading your Open Source Jenkins to an Enterprise Jenkins version.

Agenda (EN):

  • Introduction
  • Famous Jenkins
  • CloudBees and our contribution
  • Jenkins at Scale
  • More enterprise Jenkins features
  • Q&A


Przypominamy – 2.02.2021.
Start: godz. 11:00
[Webinar potrwa około 50 minut]

Rejestracja – konieczna w celu uzyskania linku do spotkania/webinaru




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