Data: 16/05/2017
Place: Krakow

Na tegorocznej edycji  Konferencji Atmosphere w Krakowie będzie nasz osecowy reprezentant. Pierwszego dnia, czyli 16.05.2017 w godzinach 12:00 – 12:40 wystąpi z prelekcją PIOTR BARANOWSKI  Opowie o OpenShifcie:

Why Did Devs Teamlead Ask Me to Implement OpenShift?

Small software house implements PaaS.  The story of why and how did we implement OpenShift to develop and deliver our own software. From manually managed VMs to automatic PaaS implemented with OpenShift. From puppet, vagrant, virsh, qemu to buildconfig /deploymentconfig /dockerfiles. Small software house implements PaaS. The story of why and how did we implement OpenShift to develop and deliver our own software. From manually managed VMs to automatic PaaS implemented with OpenShift. From puppet, vagrant, virsh, qemu to buildconfig/deploymentconfig/dockerfiles.

If you hesitate to enter the PaaS world come and see my talk.



Więcej informacji na stronie Konferencji – ATMOSPHERE 2017

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