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    DO241 Cloud-native API Administration with Red Hat 3scale API Management with exam



    Manage, monetize, and secure APIs with Red Hat 3scale API Management Cloud-native API Administration with Red Hat 3scale API Management with exam (DO241) is a hands-on, lab-based course that gives SREs and administrators an introduction to managing cloud-native APIs with Red Hat® 3scale API Management. This course enables developers and administrators to install, administer, monetize, secure and document your cloud-native APIs. This course is based on Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.11. The EX240 Red Hat Certified Specialist in API Management exam is also included in this course. Course content summary

    • Understand 3scale API Management architecture and primary features.
    • Learn typical API use cases and strategies.
    • Install 3scale API Management on OpenShift.
    • Establish and configure subscription plans and rate limits.
    • Configure and customize the API gateway using policies.
    • Monitor and analyze API traffic.
    • Configure and test API service discovery.
    • Configure a developer portal and monetize your APIs.
    • Configure API security using tokens, API key-pairs, and OAuth/OIDC using Red Hat Single Sign-on (SSO).


    Impact on the organization

    APIs have been driven to the forefront of software development through digital transformation, microservice architectures, and agile development practices. Forrester estimates that 40% of U.S. companies will have API management solutions by 2020. Platforms like Red Hat 3scale API Management allow organizations to easily increase customer value with APIs. This course develops the skills needed to produce secure, scalable, and reliable APIs that are managed by 3scale API Management.

    Red Hat has created this course in a way intended to benefit our customers, but each company and infrastructure is unique, and actual results or benefits may vary.

    Impact on the individual

    As a result of attending this course, you will understand the architecture and features of 3scale API Management and will be able to demonstrate these skills:

    • Create, manage, and monetize APIs.
    • Establish and configure API subscription plans.
    • Configure and test API management integration.
    • Configure rate limits for APIs.

    Grupa docelowa

    • Site Reliability Engineers and OpenShift Administrators interested in using 3scale API Management to manage, monitor, secure, and monetize their cloud-native APIs



    • Introduction to Red Hat 3scale API Management
      Describe API management concepts and the architecture of Red Hat 3scale API Management.
    • Manage APIs with Red Hat 3scale API Management
      Manage your cloud-native APIs with the Red Hat 3scale Admin Portal.
    • Manage and customize API gateways
      Configure and customize the API Gateway using standard policies.
    • Secure APIs with Red Hat 3scale API Management
      Secure access to APIs using various mechanisms.
    • Create a developer portal
      Configure Developer Portals for external consumption and documentation of your APIs.
    • Monitor APIs with Red Hat 3scale API Management
      Configure monitoring and analytics for APIs and the 3scale API management infrastructure.
    • Monetize APIs with Red Hat 3Scale API Management
      Monetize APIs by configuring billing plans and pricing rules.


    Duration: 4 days (Classroom), 4 days (Virtual training) 

    Technology considerations

    • Internet access is required.

    Recommended next exam or course

    Przyjmujemy wpłaty w PLN lub EURO.
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    For more details, please contact us at

    Note: The course outline is subject to change as technology advances and the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, please contact us at
    Cena netto:9396 PLN(2237 EUR)Cena brutto:11557.08 PLNOpis

    Kurs przyjęty do powyższej kalkulacji 1 EUR = 4.2001 PLN – tabela nr. 034/C/NBP/2025, z dnia 2025-02-18. Obowiązująca od: 2025-03-31. Cena w PLN jest orientacyjna (wyliczana z EUR/USD wg kursu sprzedaży NBP z dnia wystawienia faktury). Przyjmujemy wpłaty w PLN lub EURO.


    Oferujemy szkolenia wirtualne, self-paced oraz stacjonarne (w Warszawie i w lokalizacjach klienta).
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